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The Water Project

The water problem in northern Nigeria

Although Nigeria – the most populous country in Africa – has large oil reserves, only a small upper-class benefit from this wealth because of the prevailing corruption. Large parts of the population are impoverished and live in miserable circumstances. In rural areas, there is often a lack of any infrastructure to provide people with basic services – be it roads, hospitals or clean drinking water.

Around 30 million people live in completely Islamic northern Nigeria. The average family in northern Nigeria has as much water available per day as we use to flush the toilet: around 10-12 liter. To get this small amount of water they often have to walk 10-20 km.


A practical reference to God’s love

Call of Hope wants to contribute to the water supply by drilling for water and building wells in the villages of northern Nigeria. The Muslims should experience God’s love for them in a very practical way such as having drinking water. The farmer evangelists of Call of Hope in northern Nigeria keep reporting how grateful the villagers are for the fresh water. In this way, the fountain in the middle of the village becomes a meeting point where you can talk to the Muslims about their faith in Jesus Christ.


Donations for the water project

The water project is made possible by donations from our mission friends! If you want to support Call of Hope’s water project financially, so that many more people in Nigeria can enjoy clean drinking water, you can do so directly here using the yellow button:

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