Background: Morocco
Long ago Morocco was part of Christian North Africa. In the decades following the death of Muhammad in AD 632. It was conquered by Arab-Islamic warriors in tough and bloody battles. The native Berber tribes were subsequently forcibly Islamized. This process came to an end in the 13th century. The Berber languages were also suppressed – only Arabic was allowed to be spoken. Tamazight, an important Berber language, was not recognized as an official language in Morocco until 2011.
Islam (Sunni) is the official state religion of Morocco. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a Moroccan is officially forbidden. A Moroccan is not even allowed to enter a church. Nevertheless, God provides that people in this country also come to believe in Jesus.
Call of Hope’s work in Morocco
King Mohammed VI has been the supreme ruler of the constitutional monarchy of Morocco since 1999. This beautiful and contrasting country is all about the “Moroccan Trinity” consisting of Allah – Land – King. Honoring them is the first state duty of every Moroccan.
In the 60s there were no more than 20 native Moroccan Christians. Today a network of underground house churches span throughout the country, and several thousand Moroccan Christians attend these churches. With God’s help, the employees of Call of Hope have been able to play a decisive role in this positive development over the past decades.
There is still a lot to be done: All Muslims in Morocco should hear and experience that God loves them, and that Jesus Christ died for them too.

The work of Call of Hope in Morocco
Evangelism is not possible in Morocco. Nevertheless, our employees find ways and means of spreading the good news of Jesus to the Moroccans. Personal contacts and the selected passing on of Christian literature come into play here. Evangelistic radio broadcasts also play an important role.
The Bedouins of Morocco and the Berbers are also an important focus of our work. An important milestone was reached a few years ago when, after many years of work, we were able to complete the translation of the Bible into the Berber language. Now the Berbers who believe in Jesus can read the Word of God in their mother tongue. Our work includes:
Foundation and support of underground house churches
Theological training of house church leaders
Production and broadcast of Christian radio programs
Printing and distribution of evangelistic literature