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Violent Clashes – Pray for Sudan

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This past Saturday our co-worker in Khartoum/Sudan, Bro. Amir*, called us. As we spoke to him, we could hear the sounds of gunfire and explosions in the background. He said, “Please pray for us. This is war. Right here where…

Suffering for Christ

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In this season of Easter, we focus our attention in particular on the vicarious suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, as well as His subsequent glorious resurrection, for our eternal salvation. At the same time,…

Syrian Woman Receives New Life

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Ashia was raised in a Sunni Muslim family in Aleppo, Syria. There, at age 16, she was introduced to her husband, before moving away from her home village to his. Ashia’s husband began to work outside of the country, leaving…

Comfort in Chaos and Calamity

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Brought up to hate Christians Fatima is 46 years old. She is from Daraa/southern Syria. She used to attend the Quranic school, of which her father was the head. There, she learned to hate Christians. She vowed to dedicate her…

“Jesus Water”

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Our co-workers experienced a truly remarkable event in Northern Nigeria. After the local mullah's child received a goat from The Goat Project, there came the special request that our co-workers must come for a visit. On arrival, the conversation with…

A Ramadan Miracle

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  Everyday life on the mission field among Muslims poses many challenges. Time and again, our frontline workers are confronted with seemingly unsolvable problems. Often there remains nothing that can be done – except praying. Of course, praying is not…

Anan from Syria believes in Christ

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Since 2019, Lebanon has been going through the worst economic crisis in its history. Some Lebanese voices say that life is now in some aspects even more difficult than it was during the country’s terrible civil war, which lasted from 1975-1990!…

Open Doors amid Turmoil in Sudan

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Our local frontline worker in Sudan, Bro. Amir, knows what it means to be arrested, interrogated, beaten, ridiculed, and threatened. The cruel rule of dictator Omar al- Bashir lasted for 30 long years - until he was finally overthrown in…

Focus: Northern Nigeria

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Northern Nigeria is in the grip of daily killings and terror. There is an ongoing war for the complete subjugation of the country to Islamic sharia law. More than half of the over 200 million Nigerians are Muslims. Call of…

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